Sunday, 9 June 2013

I'm Turning 29 years old...yay...

Posted by J.M at 07:18

Today I'm officialy turn 29 years old. Only one year away from being 30. Yay!! It is not harder than i thought <
29? As i learn from people, twenty-nine is a key of age for woman. Something happens around this age that makes a woman begin to question her life, the basic stuff - “who I am, what are am doing with my life & do i want a career, or a home or both?” Well, what can i say...i completely agree 100%. But that is not the main purpose of my writing today..In the past year or so, I've learned so much about life. And now I would like to share 29 lessons I've learned in my 29 years of living..Enjoy..

1.) If you want to keep up with your friends, call them. Don't wait, it's up to you to maintain & initiate contact.

2.) Sometimes say 'Yes' to opportunities you'd normally say No to. See where it leads you.

3.) Learn to depend on nobody else but YOURSELF..♡♡♡

4.) Always challenge yourself. Do have things, learn something, explore new ideas & push boundaries.

5.) Be real. Nobody wants to be around a fake person.

6.) Tell those you love that you love them. You never know when they'll be gone.

7.) Practice letting go of ideals, old patterns, arguments, limiting beliefs, excess, etc. Let go also means forgiveness. Forgive yourself, release the past.

8.) Money doesn't buy your happiness.

9.) Look for opportunity to learn something everywhere.

10.) Don't make excuses. Just do.

11.) F*ck everyone that wants to hate. They're probably just jealous.


13.) Love yourself first. Accept who you are & where you are. Acceptance is the vehicle for transformation.

14.) Stress cause disease. It kills. Prioritize a plan to manage stress levels.

15.) Judgement is a waste of time. Comparison is blinding. Both of which will shrink our energy.

16.) The world is so unique & full of amazing experiences. So many amazing things to see. If you haven't done much travelling overseas, find a way to go one day.

17.) Life can be taken in an instant, so do as much as you can to live each day fully. Make sure you laugh, thank, love & make a different everyday.

18.) Learn to be thankful for the things you have in life instead of focusing on what you don't have.

19.) Time is something we can't make more of it. It moves on whether we want it or not. So think about how you want to spend your time.

20.) Learn to appreciate the small things. Enjoy the small things we takes for granted. There are life's little gift to us.

21.) You can't please everyone. Just focus on the people you can please & not worrying about the ones you can't.

22.) Believes in miracles.

23.) The best is yet to come.

24.) Always choose L.I.F.E

25.) You don't have to win every argument. Agree to disagree.

26.) Life isn't fair but it's always good.

27.) When in doubt, just take the next small step.

28.) Start saving for retirement.

29.) Do not compare your life to others. You have no idea what their journey is about.

And the most valuable lesson of all Life is all about choices. Good or Bad; Right or Wrong; Your destiny will unfold according the choices u make”

Until then...XoXo


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